



These images demonstrate the beginning process of one of my current wedding dress commissions. Image #1 shows the intuitive pattern I create by looking at the client's body and imagining the shapes I will have to cut out in order to properly create a pattern for their individual shape. Four layers thick, these specific pieces are satin and muslin. Image #2 shows the way in which I pin the pieces together to create a bodess that fits exactly right; a process of intuitive guess and test (literally built on the client.) Image #3 shows the top of the dress. With bridal works, I generally create the top and bottom separately; though certainly not always... as it depends on the style of dress. And, image #4 shows the draped pattern (that was created on the client) pinned in place on the form in muslin. These pieces will be traced onto satin to create the final skirt of the dress.
This process allows me to have a base dress that fits the client perfectly; from which I can work freely to create a detailed finished piece.
This dress is 1/6 complete. Much, much more form and detail to come.