Looking back over the work I created for Raleigh Fashion Week I see that the pieces are fine as creative experiments, but are not up to par as well crafted examples of my current ideas and inspirations. I should be striving for excellence with every decision I make. Each stitch should have significance. Currently focusing on spending more time on each individual piece, I believe the results will be evident in my upcoming body of work; to be first exhibited in Downtown Raleigh's "FashionSpark."
Now obsessing over the fear that my work has come to a creative stand-still; I'm forcing myself to branch into a new avenue of high-fashion (couture) dress design. Cleaner surfaces, stronger material contrasts, more evident flow-lines; these are a sampling of the thoughts that are recycling in my head. I used to spend months on each piece; I was terrified to commit to any one detail. In the recent past I have been creating simpler pieces. I have been confused in thinking that simpler equals faster production. Instead, simpler should equal thoughtful, conceptual and time-consuming design development. Simpler equals a step up in architectural and planar complexity.
When I look at my own work, and then at the work I admire, I see a difference. My work is lacking. Sure, each artist has their own style. And why should I subscribe to the norm in fashion design? I don't think that's what I'm suggesting. I hope that's not what I'm suggesting. Cleanliness is the order that is lacking in my designs. I'm calling for a reduction in graphic noise.
{I can remember being in undergrad at VCU, studying Graphic Design, and having the exact same fear. Do I depend on noise?}